The 4th of March is celebrated as National Safety Day across India. It was on this day 52 years ago the National Safety Council was established and the day is celebrated as National Safety day. Almost all the industries and establishments across India celebrate the entire week. Competitions are conducted on safety in different ways like making posters, writing slogans, and of course the safety pledge is administered. Every year there is a theme which is given and this year the theme is OUR AIM – ZERO HARM. Coincidentally it was the same Maggie and Jaggy were discussing. Zero Incidents. In this conversation they will discuss the theme of the National Safety day. Let us follow the conversation.
Maggie: “Hello Jaggy trust you are on top of the world.”
Jaggy: “Yes Maggie. The month of March is a busy one for all trainers in Emergency Response.”
Maggie: “Why March only?”
Jaggy: “March being safety month that’s why.”
Maggie: “Yes you are correct. We are celebrating Safety week.”
Jaggy: “That is great Maggie.”
Maggie: “The theme of the Safety day OUR AIM- ZERO HARM, I just could not fathom the meaning behind it.”
Jaggy: “The theme is quite simple. It matches with the zero accidents theme your workplace has taken up.”
Maggie: “Oh! A great coincidence but how?”
Jaggy: “The message is very clear. It says we will aim to create a culture, or habits that will not cause harm to anything in the world what we live in.”
Maggie: “I don’t quite follow you.”
Jaggy: “When we say no harm to anything it means, People, Environment and Property.”

Maggie: “I can understand harm to people and environment but property?”
Jaggy: “Yes property too. There are many things and equipment which help us in day to day life. They too must not be damaged is it not?”
Maggie: “But use of these things can cause harm to our health also.”
Jaggy: “Yes to an extent. Only when you use the things without any control. The theme says that too. Limit use of devices that can harm your health.”
Maggie: “Now I understand. So what should one do, to achieve the aim no harm.”
Jaggy: “To do so first and foremost, one needs to follow safety rules at all times. No violation is permitted. Second, ensure housekeeping is perfect whether at home or the work place. Third, ensure the environment around you is clean and not harmful. Fourth, ensure safety becomes an attitude with everyone around you.”
Maggie: “Will it help?”
Jaggy: “Yes, as long as you reiterate to everyone around you. Set a standard and then everything falls into place.”
Maggie: “Ok. Does no harm involve animals and plants too?”
Jaggy: “Definitely! When harm is caused to the environment it affects them too.”
Maggie: “Can you explain better?”
Jaggy: “In this world of ours, there are 80 million living species. If all the earth worms of the world, become extinct the world, will be wiped out in 13 years. If all the insects, become extinct the world, will end in 3 to 5 years.”
Maggie: “Oh! What if humans become Extinct?”
Jaggy: “If you ask me, the world, will simply be better than what it was before. Everything has a place in this universe by design. When the design is disturbed, then the balance collapses. Same with safety. It is upon us to ensure the design is not disturbed. Our Aim- Zero Harm.”
Let all my readers wherever you are in the world, the theme of the National Safety day of India holds true. By aiming to cause no harm, safety standards can really be improved. Let us all strive for that.
Keep the comments flowing, and do not hesitate to correct me if you want to. Always open to suggestions for improvement.
Stay safe and be safe.
Live Life – Save Life.
Seshadri Varadarajan.