Monthly Archives: August 2019


In my last blog we have discussed how fire accidents are causing loss of life and destruction of property. But the question remains can Fire accidents be prevented?  Yes we can. Preventing Fire is easier than fighting a fire. However, the most important factor is to know the process of proper evacuation. Today   people love to work and live in tall buildings, technically known as high rise buildings. The taller the building, the better the view but it comes with a plethora of risks. Though there are rules and regulations in place they are hardly followed. More about that later but let us concentrate on how to save lives first.

We lose lives in any Emergency situation because of 2 reasons.



In many a workplace having trained Emergency Responders has paid dividends. Anyone with proper training can save lives.

Let us first understand what to do when there is a FIRE? The answer is there in the very word itself.


The First step is to find the fire. This can be done by the God given human-detectors like Eyes, Nose, Skin and Ears. Or it can be done by the modern equipments like Smoke Detectors. Once, a fire is detected, the next step is to “Inform or Warn”. This can be done by either activating the Fire Alarm call point, or by shouting aloud. Once, this is done, the next step is to respond by immediately trying to fight the fire if one is trained. But if you are not trained you need to Evacuate immediately through the Emergency Exits and assemble at a place well away from the building. Evacuation is the best way to save lives during a fire accident.

The Following steps need to be kept in mind while evacuating.

1.        Use exits which are safe and near to you.
2.        Listen to the announcements.
3.        Walk Fast. Never use LIFTS.
4.        Use only Staircases and walk on one side of the staircase.
5.        Reach your designated assembly point.
6.        Once out, never try to enter the building for any purpose.
7.        Wait for further Instructions.
8.       Elders, Expectant mothers and physically challenged people should be given the first priority.

The best way to practise all this is to conduct Evacuation Drills at periodical intervals both at home and work places.

The biggest obstacle and killer in Fire situations is not Fire itself but Smoke. In smoke, the most deadly killers are Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN). To avoid inhaling the killer smoke, we need to wet a cloth, tie it around the nose and mouth and crawl out to safety. When you Crawl, Smoke being lighter than air, will go up and at the same time, the path which you are taking will be Visible. This is what a 10 year old girl by name ZEN did when there was a fire in Crystal Towers in Mumbai to save not only her life but also that of three other families living on that floor.

If your clothes catch fire, remember to Stop Drop and Roll by covering your face with your hands. By doing this, we can avoid severe burn injuries. The best first aid for burns is pouring water on the affected parts. Saving your life is more important than fire fighting. Share the evacuation process to your loved ones.

We shall see the entire chemistry of Fire and prevention in my nextblog. Till then be safe and take your evacuation drills very seriously.

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