Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man said Francis Bacon a long time ago. The same was repeated by the teachers who taught him. The quote has made a lasting impression on the mind of Mr. Seshadri Varadarajan.
Reading books since childhood has been a fascination and a habit for him. Conference made him a Salesman and a Trainer, as he could speak and articulate his thoughts clearly. Writing was his hobby, which fell by the way side over a period of time. The search to become an exact man took its time to happen. A sudden request from a cousin, and a friend, ensured he started writing again. Thus the road towards becoming an exact man began.
Seshadri Varadarajan is the National Head Safety Trainer from Usha Fire Safety Equipments Pvt Ltd., an organisation, serving the nation for 34 years, in, Saving Life and Protecting Property. An Emergency Response and Life Safety Trainer, for the past 17 years, and conducted more than 5500 sessions, and still continuing to do so. He has been trained by the Legends of Safety Training: Mr. Jagadish, Jayasheel Adapa, and Mr. Moeiz Ahmed. Training people in Emergency Response and Life Safety, has taken him across the length and breadth of India as well as internationally.
His training style is unique, which made him popular to different sets of audience. Whether the audience be workmen, students or top executives, he has trained them all. His sense of humour, and his incredible energy levels, are well known to all. Though Fire Safety, First Aid and Fire drills are his forte, he also excels in a wide range of other subjects on safety. Apart from training, he also conducts safety audits to companies and factories.
He is a certified CPR and AED trainer from American Heart Association, POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) apart from being the lead trainer for GWO Global wind Organization modules.
Besides the experience in training, he has been a Salesman for various products ranging from vacuum cleaners to HVAC systems. He has been on a Group Study Exchange program sponsored by Rotary International, and addressed audiences ranging from school children to industry professionals, during that visit. He has been a Rotarian too and serves the society in every way possible.
An individual dedicated to his craft, and profession, and with a boundless energy to educate people in Safety, as well as in other skills are his passion. A quality rare to find in many. In all a versatile personality you would love to be with.
He can be contacted by
Email seshadri3225@gmail.com, seshadri.v@ushafire.in
Mobile 9840814353.
You can follow him on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram.