It was on the 26th of January that India became a Republic with a Constitution of its own. Everyone of us need to have a constitution to be adopted personally to live our lives in the way we want.
Thank you so much for the feedback on my last blog, the Egalitarian life. A lot of you have expressed happiness on the article which shows that you all approve what I express through my writing. So, in this blog too, I have decided to continue the same concept.
I have always believed that Life is Beautiful, and one should Live Life to the fullest. But off late, there has been a trend for many to take their lives rather than live. As I was thinking about it and discussing the same with my friends, the lyrics of another song came to my mind.
Pyar na Karna Nafrath Karna Seekh liya,
Sab Logon ne Ladna Marna Seekh liya,
Inko Jeena Kaun Sikhaye,
Ek Ritu Aaye,
Ek Ritu Jaaye,
Mausam Badlena,
Badle Naseeb.
The above lyrics are from a popular song from the movie Gautam Govinda released in the year 1979. The song talks about the famine that raged across some states of India during that time. The words in the above stanza mean that we should continue to live life no matter what.
Pyar na Karna Nafrath Karna Seekh Liya Learnt not to love but to hate,
Sab Logon ne Ladna Marna Seekh Liya Everyone has learnt to fight and die,
Inko Jeena Kaun Sikhaye Who will teach them to Live?
The words written in the lyrics are prophetic. Humans have learnt to hate, fight kill and die but have never learnt to love. It is so easy to Hate rather than Love. We have all learnt to fight and die but have never learnt to live. Everyone is interested in Do or Die rather than Live and Let Live. Throughout our lives we have been taught that Life is not easy, and you must fight every day and every inch. Unless you fight, you cannot succeed. My question is simple, what are we fighting for so much that we have forgotten to Live? The simple things in Life don’t matter anymore!

Happiness is in the small things that we enjoy unabashedly. Instead of just enjoying the Joy of Living, we are forever in a race to achieve. I am not by any chance here, advocating that one should not aspire for Success or achieving goals, but focus also on Living Life to the fullest. Today, gadgets are there to measure your stress but no gadgets to measure Happiness. Was a Happiness Meter ever invented?
My guru once told me, you don’t need a reason to feel happy. I would say you don’t need a reason to enjoy life. Live Life as it is, as you want.
Ek ritu aaye Ek ritu jaaye. A season comes, A season Goes,
Mausam Badle na Badle Naseeb. The weather never changes but Fate Changes.
Seasons will come and go, Friends will come and go, Enemies will change, Success comes, Problems arrive, continue to Live. As they say in Hindi, Jaan Hai toh Jahan hai. If you have life, the world is yours.
The Pandemic has thrown many lives off gear including mine. However, let us Live Life as Life is for Living.
Maggie and Jaggy will be back in the next blog to discuss saving lives, till then
Stay Safe, Be Safe and Live Life.
Seshadri Varadarajan.
Great Seshadri – we live every day and die once.
Let it not be reverse – we die every day being unconscious and realise later to live only one day on the death bed…
Magnificently said Danny sir. Thank you Master
Nice Seshadri, encouraging lines.
Thank you so much Mr. Rajasekhar
Sesha, I read your blog, Life is for living. I appreciate the way you have connected Bollywood lyrics and Snoopy cartoon. Well explained. Keep writing
Thank you Subhashini Sister
Superb,you are always,,,🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Dr.
In the rat race of modern life, we have somehow forgotten the purpose of living.
Obstacles and challenges are a part of life and we need to enjoy overcoming them too.
Let’s live this one life happily and smile.
Thank you so much Suresh Nair sir. Always cherish your support
Very well written Sir
Life is for living
Very well expressed sir
Thank you so much Madam. Coming from a Master Story teller it is a huge compliment
Good one, loved reading it. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Madhav
What a lovely perspective!
Live life to the fullest.. every day is a blessing.
Thank you Smrithi
Brilliant write up Shesha! Well said 👏👏👏👏. Continue your journey in helping the society in the many ways you go 👊👊. As one of my boss always used to say – “Wish you Health, Happiness, Wealth and Luck in that order”
Thank you so much brother. Will do what you say.
Beautiful article with a beautiful message. Well done sir🎉🎉🎉👍
Thank you so much Abirami. We used to discuss this a lot when we were colleagues if you remember.
Very much Sir👍
Thank You so much
Wonderful Sesha, comparing the song and the life people are living. Old songs are evergreen and heart touching and there is huge collection of such songs which are to get aspired and inspired with. It’s high time we started looking around ourselves and do what little we can do to the society. However little it may be, it always counts.
‘Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted’ (attributed to Albert Einstein)
Thank you so much. Rightly said Mahesh. There are many more such inspirational songs in every language. Will explore
Very well said sir… Many people forgot that “Happiness starts within us”.
Thank you so much Bala. Yes Happiness is always within us.
Well written Sesha..live and let others live too happily should be our motto..
Thank you so much Ajitha. Nice to see you comment after a long time
This variety is interesting. You’re as good in philosophy as with safety . Great work , Sesh
Thank you so much Author Venkat. The plan is to write on Life saving skills as well as Life Skills.
Nice concept sir !!
Thank you so much Mithun.
Happiness in small things is somehting we all are missing currently recognizing them. Let’s live a life. This is one of the best blogs of yours sirji. Superb
Thank you so much Varun.
Great reading
Thank you so much Jayasheel sir.
Yes life is truly beautiful and needs to be lived to the fullest , much needed reminder to us at this pandemic for being Happy for no reason
Yet another beauty from you sir 😍
Thank you so much Palani sir. In fact both Guru Jagadish sir and his favourite have commented together. Inspired.
Time to be happy is now….
Place to be is here…ways to be happy is making others happy and creating heaven here , right now….thank you for spreading happiness through your article….
Thank you so much for the kind words sir. These words will spur me to write better and more.
A happiness meter is a need of the hour! Very well articulated, Sheshadri! Simplicity and brevity are your greatest strengths!
Thank you so much Suma Rao. Love the words Simplicity and Brevity.
The page has brought a light of eclectic wisdom. Magic in your hands and mind shesha sir
Indeed life is priceless and we must cherish each and every moment we get. Love, laugh, live now and not wait for a tomorrow when the truth is you are just unsure of the tomorrow which may never even come.
Thank you so much Justin. God Bless
It’s a touching topic , failure is not the end of the road but a opportunity to begin the search of new avenues towards success.
Yeh success is not the goal …. happiness is.
Thanks Ameen Bhai.
Everyone has a choice to be happy or not in their own hands. Let’s choose to be happy!
Thank you so much. That is what you do. You are always so full of Life. That is what I always admire you for. Its a blessing you are my cousin.