Thank you so much for the adulation and appreciation for the last 2 blogs on the series Live Life Save Life. I trust you have shared your learning with all your near and dear ones. When blogs are written on Life saving skills it creates a better society and enhances service to humanity. While going through the various comments received one reader, who himself is a published author suggested that I tell the world who Jaggy and Maggie are and a sketch of the characters.
The character Jaggy is the person because of him all this has been made possible. He was the one who gave me the opportunity to become a Trainer in Emergency Response and one who has always been my inspiration. He is none other than Mr. Jagadish Adapa Managing Director of Usha Fire Safety Equipments Pvt Ltd Chennai. His animated character is called Jaggy.
Maggie is just a name which rhymes with Jaggy as suggested by some of my family members and friends. Images of Jaggy and Maggie in the next edition.
In this blog Maggie and Jaggy are back discussing another important life saving skill.
Jaggy: “Hello Maggie! Good to see again. “
Maggie: “Yes Jaggy, good to see you too.”
Maggie: ‘Recently I read in the newspaper that a person died while eating a cake after celebrating his birthday.” “Shocking to know one can die while eating.”
Jaggy: “I read that article too.” “This is not the first time this is happening, there have been lot of cases like that.”
Maggie: “Oh my God! Can you elaborate on it and what to do when it happens?”
Jaggy: “This is a phenomenon known as Choking.” “This happens when any obstruction happens to your trachea aka air pipe.” “Due to the obstruction air cannot pass and one cannot breathe.”

Maggie: “When does this usually happen and how?”
Jaggy: “Many a time this happens when you are distracted while eating food. The mechanism is very simple. We have 2 pipes which start from the nose and mouth. They are called Trachea and Oesophagus aka air pipe and food pipe. Both are joined together initially and separated to do their respective work.”
Maggie: “Now I remember. My science teacher in school had taught me this. There is also an Epiglottis in between which ensures air and food reach their correct destinations lungs and stomach.”
Jaggy: “That is exactly right. Choking happens when the Epiglottis is not sure what to do and hence food enters the trachea.”

Maggie: “What are the signs and indication when someone is choking?”
Jaggy: “When someone chokes, he is not able to talk. He will be trying to cough but no sound comes out. They will cross their hands try to hold the throat which is the classic sign of choking.”

Maggie: “Ok. So, what do we do when it happens?”
Jaggy: “The First aid is very simple. There are 2 ways in which this can be done. 1. Back Slaps and 2. Abdominal Thrusts.”
Maggie: “Oh! I see. Can you explain it.”
Jaggy: “The back slaps are easy to perform. First bend the victim down. Using the palm and the heel of the hand thrust hard and fast between the two shoulder blades for 5 times. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Back slaps work if the choking is not severe.”

Maggie: “But if the choking is severe?”
Jaggy: “If the choking is severe, we perform the abdominal thrust. Get behind the person and make your hand into a fist. Encircle the person using both hands and keep the fist above the navel. Thrust inside and the same time try to lift the person up. Do it for 5 times and repeat as long as you can. The abdominal thrusts are called Heimlich Manoeuvre.”
Maggie: “What if the person is heavy and has a belly or may be a pregnant woman? Is it Ok to perform abdominal thrust?”
Jaggy: “Good question Maggy. When the hands cannot encircle the navel area then push the hands closer to the chest and perform the thrusts. The procedure is same for adults and children.”

Maggie: “More than adults and children it is infants that usually choke. In such cases what we should do?”
Jaggy: “For infants the method is different. Make sure the infant is in prone position on your thigh. Now give back slaps between the shoulder blades and repeat. If the choking is severe turn the infant on its back use 2 fingers and perform Chest thrusts.”

Maggie: “Superb Jaggy. Thank you so much for your clear communication. This knowledge really helps.”
Jaggy: “Yes. More than the first aid required for choking we should be careful while eating and when infants are around ensure that there are no little things which they can pop up in the mouth.”
Maggie: “What if the person is alone and no one to help him?”
Jaggy: “Good question! In such cases just get a chair and press your abdomen to it as hard as you can. This will solve the problem.
Maggie: “Thanks, Jaggy. Stay Safe and Be Safe.”
Jaggy: “Sure Maggie. Will stay safe and be safe.”
Jaggy and Maggie will be back with more for sure.
Seshadri Varadarajan.
Maggie and Jaggy back again with a very important topic ! A must read for parents and care givers. The pictorial representation is very good too. Thanks for sharing !
Thank you Smrithi for your concise comments
It’s a good tutorial to overcome choking
Thank you NS Srinivas for your support
Very useful, good one
Thank you Syam Babu
Nice sir explain this choking video useful
Thank you Rajesh ji
It is easy and clear to understand. Vrry useful and essential to know. Well narrated.
Thank you so much my friend
Super informative article sesha! This is indeed very useful and everyone should know how to do the Heimlich maneuver. About 5 years ago, my then 8 year old choked on a piece of watermelon and I quickly performed it to get the obstructing piece of food off her throat in a matter of seconds.
Please also add a post about how to do the maneuver on self when no one is available to help.
Thank you so much for the same. Will add it in a day or 2. Thanks for reminding
Excellent yet another useful information sir ji
Very well presented with videos
Thank you Palani Sir for all the support and good wishes
Very useful video and subject.
As always simple and clear explanation
Thank you Ameen Bhai
This is such an important life saving technique …. well presented Sesha.
Thank you Sowmya
Super & power-packed with video! Great work sir.
Thanks Dr. Saravanan for your unstinted support
Very helpful information Sir ji
Thank you Amit
Yes, good presentation,very useful medical emergency first aid
Keep it up sir
Thanks Dr.Ravi ji. Love you
Very good info simple but informative 👍
Thank yoy Shriraj sir
Clear flow of thoughts without any hassle. Keep up the good task
Thank you so much sir
Very nicely presented. Very easy for anyone to understand.
The precautionary steps, which is equally important, could have been stressed a little more.
Thank you sir. Will take care of the same
Very useful information
Thanks Gopi
Very educative and well narrated. Great to know the origin of Jagy
Thank you so much Author Venkat
Its very useful…
Thank you so much Kalpana Madam
A very good narrative on how to address choking situations. It also reminded me of times when we drink water while standing and cough due to the choking when water enters the wind pipe.
Thank you so much Nitin
Thank you so much Abirami. Your support has been very valuable to me
Another useful article sir! Well presented through dialogue.
Truly life saving instructions 👍 keep it coming ji. Stay safe too
Thank you so much
Great narration, simple to understand.
Thank you
Thank you so much sir. You have inspired me to write and keep it simple sir
Amazing write up as usual with crisp info and to top up with, a video.
Complete learning package and a lot to take away. Awaiting for the next one
Thank you Justin for the sweet comments
Wow this information is really so help full thank u sir for taking out time to educate us in such a simple and easy way with proper pictures….Keep up the good work
Thank you so much Madam
Precisely explained with nice pictures for demonstration. Neatly done sir!
Thank you so much George