Hello Readers. Trust Everyone out there in the world is safe and keeping safe. This New Year has brought a lot of Hope with the development of the vaccines for COVID-19. Trust it will control the pandemic and life will return to normalcy soon.
Two incidents in the past month have made me to change the subject of the blog from Fire safety. 1. A famous Cricketer from India had been admitted to Hospital after suffering a Heart Attack. 2. A colleague in the office lost his father to a Cardiac Arrest. These episodes set me thinking and I wanted to write about this as many a time, timely aid can save lives. To address this in an innovative way I would be taking the narrative as a Conversation between 2 people. This will help the readers understand better. The characters in the narration are Maggie and Jaggy.
Maggie: “Hi Jaggy, How, are you? and trust you and your family are safe.”
Jaggy: “Hello Maggie. Me and my family are good and safe too. Though there is the talk of vaccination I feel we should still be careful.”
Maggie: “Yes, you are absolutely right. We all should take care. A lot has been happening over the last month and my favorite cricketer suffered a Heart Attack and thank God he is safe. But we could not save our uncle when he collapsed and even though we took him to the Hospital the doctor declared him dead on arrival. The cause said was Heart Attack.”
Jaggy: “Sorry to hear that but it must have been a Cardiac Arrest and not a Heart Attack though people think both are the same.”
Maggie: What? I don’t understand you. This is news to me. Cardiac Arrest and Heart attack are different, is that so?
Jaggy: Yes, let me explain in detail to you. Though we think they are the same there is a lot of difference between the two. A Cardiac Arrest is an Electrical Problem in the Heart and a Heart Attack is a Plumbing problem.
Maggie: “Oh, Come on! You are totally confusing me now with your language. Electrical and Plumbing as if the heart is a pump.”
Jaggy: “Exactly. The heart is a pump which circulates blood to all parts of the body. It is a muscle by itself but works like a pump. There are pipes which carry the blood called Arteries and Veins. The distance of the blood circulation in the human body is nearly 96,500 kilometres long. But coming to our discussion Cardiac Arrest is when the heart stops beating due to an electrical malfunction. In this state the heart quivers and is not able to pump blood and thereby the brain does not receive Oxygen and the person collapses suddenly. This is a stage called Ventricular Fibrillation in Medical terms. In a Cardiac arrest invariably, the victim becomes unconscious and his breathing stops. The collapse is often sudden and without any symptoms or indication and often adults are affected. If proper first aid is not provided it can be fatal.”

Maggie: “I did not know all this about my own heart but now I understand What is Cardiac arrest all about. Now can you tell me what is a Heart Attack?
Jaggy: “Yes Maggie. A heart attack is nothing but a blockage in one of the arteries of the heart. This causes insufficient oxygen supply to the heart leading to a Heart Attack. The most dangerous block of all is in the coronary artery and can sometimes be fatal. Most people live normally even where there is a certain percentage of block ,but when it becomes more prominent then, a Heart attack is imminent. One good thing about a Heart attack is that the heart gives you indication or symptoms. Usually, a few days before the attack the person feels lethargic and may experience light pain in the chest, arms, neck, and shoulders. Many ignore this. Then one day there is severe chest pain, followed by breathlessness, sweating, nausea and a pale skin. Sometimes the victim will be thinking whether he will die. The Heart attack in medical terms is called Myocardial infraction.”

Maggie: “Oh my god! How nicely you have explained all this Jaggy. As you are a Life Saving Trainer can you explain to me what first aid is to be given during these situations?
Jaggy: “Sure Maggie. Today I will tell you what to do for a Cardiac Arrest as persons with a Heart attack can be saved with early recognition and the victim is usually conscious in a Heart attack. The first aid procedure for Cardiac Arrest is called CPR. As a trainer we talk about the Chain of Survival and the steps involved in it are as follows.
- Early call to the Ambulance.
- Early CPR.
- Early Defibrillation
- Early Advanced care in the hospital.”

Maggie: “Nice order Jaggy but what or which steps a layman, or a first aider must do in this. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about?
Jaggy: “The procedure seems difficult on paper but is easy to do. A first aider or first responder can easily do the first 3 steps but the third one regarding defibrillation we will talk later. Now let us talk about the first 2 steps. The moment you see or hear that someone is down or collapsed suddenly, rush to the spot immediately. First check whether the person is having a response or not?
Maggie: How do I check the response Jaggy is it difficult?
Jaggy: No, it is very easy. All you need to do is tap on his shoulder and shout loudly like Sir can you hear me. Are you OK? If the person does not respond immediately ask somebody to call the Ambulance. Every country has its unique number for Emergencies and in India it is 108. Once you check response and there is none ,you need to check whether the victim is breathing or not?

Maggie: I have understood how to check the response. Can you guide me on how to check breathing?
Jaggy: It is so simple all one needs to do is scan the chest and stomach area with the eyes for 5 to 10 seconds. If any movement is observed, then the victim is said to be breathing. If the victim is not breathing, we begin CPR.
Maggie: What is CPR? And how it is done?
Jaggy: CPR is Cardio, Pulmonary, Resuscitation and it involves a series of Chest Compressions and Mouth to Mouth Breathing. Thereby the first aider can circulate Oxygenated blood to the brain and the victim is kept alive. The process of CPR has undergone a lot of changes and currently you need to give 30 Chest Compressions and 2 Breaths alternatively till help or trained people with equipment arrive. Now let us put together the steps of CPR.
- Check the Response of the Victim.
- If no response call, the ambulance, or medical services.
- Look for signs of Breathing.
- If no breathing start giving 30 Chest Compressions HARD and FAST.
- Open the airway by tilting the head of the victim back.
- Give 2 breaths by pinching the nose and sealing the victims mouth with your own mouth.
- Continue till help arrives.
The compressions are to be given, by placing the heel of the hand on the Centre of the chest and push hard and fast. The depth of compression should be 2 to 3 inches.
Maggie: “Jaggy I have a doubt here. What if the persons mouth has blood and these pandemic days is it safe to give breathing? Compressions can be given any time that I understand.”
Jaggy: “Now to avoid this kind of a situation doctors will tell you that you need not breathe if you cannot or not willing to. You can just proceed with compressions. The compressions given, are to be consistent, hard and fast. I know Maggie that you would have a lot more doubts on this which I will clarify, later. To know better attend a training session on CPR and watch videos on how to do it. Remember by giving CPR a lot of victims of Cardiac arrest can be saved.”
More from Maggie and Jaggy in the next blog.
Seshadri Varadarajan
Mobile 98408 14353
A very informative write-up.
The video gives some more titbits to learn about cpr.
Thank you Ishwarya for your comments
Very useful, especially your video. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much
Very useful information which every body should know Thanks for sharing and writing on cardiac arrest and heart attack
Thank you Sai Balaji Singh
Explained in a clear way. perfect one. Atleast now many people will know the difference between Heart attack and cardiac arrest
Thanks Bala
A good narrative giving the difference between Cardiac arrest and Heart attack and the emergency procedures to be done to each incident before medical help arrives
Thank you NS
Very nice article.Keep it up Sesha.
Thank you Sarma.
Super sir loved the way it is presented
Best wishes for all upcoming blogs with lots of love
Thank you so much sir
Nice explanation
Thanks Dr
Very nice narrative bringing out the difference between Cardiac arrest and Heart attack and the emergency procedures to be followed in each incident.
I love this style of introducing characters into the blog and educating. It breaks the monotony and makes it engaging
Thank you Author Venkat
Very effective way to connect with the people as they can read it again if they don’t understand. You always share life saving info like this. I have to admit that even I understood the difference between heart attack and arrest! Thank you!
Thanks Ramesh
Good one 👍
Thank you Dr.Anand
Great Sesha.Informative Article
Thanks da Subbu
This is interesting – considering the conversational method along with the visuals and the video.
Thanks Vish
Good difference highlighted
Thanks Kumar
Thanks a lot. Very much informative.
Thank you so much
Great job , a must read .
Thank you so much sir. You have inspired me to write
Thanks for sharing an informative blog in a conversation model
Thank you so much
Wow smooth and clear conversation sir.keep doing
Thanks Senthil ji
The Blog was very well scripted it was like a story with Information on life-saving skills and facts.
All the best for the upcoming blogs
Thank you so much Varun ji
Too good sir. Especially, the statement ‘A Cardiac Arrest is an Electrical Problem in the Heart and a Heart Attack is a Plumbing problem’ just explains everything. The conversational style used is very simple and clear. Thank you for this article.
Thank you so much Abirami
Brilliant write up and definitely the need of the hour.
Thank you Sowmya
Sesha, very well explained and I love the conversation idea. Looking forward to the next blog.
Thanks Subhadra
Nice info. Useful and informative.
Thank you Madhava
Loved the flow like a movie! Awesomeness Overloaded sir!
Thank you Dr. Saravanan. Nice to hear the script looks like a movie
Very useful information .. Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much Madam
A very important topic for Everyone. CPR well explained with conversation and visuals. Good job sir in innovating new methods in conveying messages through your blog. 🙏
Thank you George for the kind words
Simple and Clear. Explains everything in layman’s language. Quite good.
Thank you so much Ameen Bhai
Different style you tried, very simple and easy to understand. Very important knowlegdge one should have. Keep doing your good work ji. Expecting more such informations with more innovative ideas..
Different style you tried, very simple and easy to understand. Very important knowlegdge one should have. Keep doing your good work ji. Expecting more such informations with more innovative ideas..
Thank you ji
Nice. Best wishes sir
Thank you sir
Nice narration sesha garu keep writing for more awareness
Thank you
Thank you sir
Very nicely explained. I liked the way you have conveyed this very essential knowledge.
A little crispier would keep the reader more focused.
Thank you so much sir. Will make it crisper next time around
Sir u told the Kutti story with an important message. It’s really nice.
Thank you MANO. Love the comment
Superb Sesha…. your differential way of narrative writing on such important topics of Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack in a conversational way is fantastic. Many among us who are unaware of the procedure and care to be taken during such times is really helpful. Adding the Video makes it much more easier to understand.
One thing I can say looking at the other blogs you have written… You can switch to different narratives of putting across your thoughts seamlessly basis your topics you take up
Thank you so much man for your lovely comments
Very useful for life and clear message for comman man.so all people reached this message and I like it CPR message.wait for next life service message.l like it&useful images.almost useful SUPER SUPER SUPER!
Thank you so much Mariappan
Great article keep rocking Sir
Thank you so much
Very useful article that explains clearly about a very common misconception! Thanks Sesha !
Like this onversation style of writing to explain the difference. I could relate to Maggie as I too first felt the same way when I read about the difference.
Thank you so much Smriti
Terrific article, Sesha….. I loved that ‘A Cardiac Arrest is an Electrical Problem in the Heart and a Heart Attack is a Plumbing problem’ . The conversational style used is very simple and clear…..love it.
Looking forward to the next part of the topic.
Thank you so much Kittu. It was your idea and i just tried it. Good you like it
Excellent narration Sir
Thank you Ravi teja
Amazing writeup ji, crystal clear explanation of the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack. The new style of writing is great, makes it more interesting to read. Keep it coming ji👍 God bless you for the lifesaving information you share. You deserve a billion supporters 💐💐
Thank you so much Nithya Madam. Appreciate the support and wishes you give to me
Seshadri ,an avid blogger on fire safety ,life saving techniques and first aid has come up with yet another blog Live life Save Life . Here he wants the audience to clearly note the difference between Cardiac Arrest and HeartAttack. In order to get his point across , he uses the dialogue form of writing .Here ,an interesting conversation between Maggie and Jaggy provokes the curiosity of the reader to read and comprehend the subtle difference between the two.Thus the reader is better prepared during an emergency to identify the nature of the problem and act swiftly ,thereby Save precious Life . The reader now knows that CPR is to be administered if it is a case of Cardiac arrest before the arrival of the ambulance and a Heart attack victim has to be rushed immediately to the hispital.
Seshadri , in his keen desire to educate his audience makes use of pictures and has inserted a small video on how to administer CPR which leaves us in no doubt on his intention and earnest desire to save each life .
Only a person with such thorough knowledge of emergency procedures – fire or medical condition , could come up with such detailed write-ups , (here , I am referring to his other blogs too) on this subject .
Keep going Seshadri and enlighten us with your upcoming blogs !
Thank you so much. This will only inspire me to write better.
Sir really excited to read this blog ☺️ A easy way to understand things which can save a life . Y Raviteja Usha fire safety Hyderabad
Very nicely explained Sheshadriji!
I wish more and more people read your blogs and share them with their friends. Never know when a situation like this can happen to us or to people around us. Best to have awareness.
Wilee Takkar
Aditya Birla Group
Thank you so much
Hallo Sheshadri….
The concept has very nicely explained. I liked the way you conveyed this very essential knowledge in a simple way.
A little crispier would keep the reader more focused.
Have a good day.
Thank You so much Willie. So nice of you