Wish all my fellow Indians a HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. It is exactly on this day 74 years ago India became free from the British rule. We have progressed quite a lot and still a lot remains to be done. We all need to proactively work towards making the country safe, and by doing that we build a stronger and a healthy country. Let us on this day Pledge to be SAFE and cut down life loss in Emergency situations.
The world is going through a tough pandemic time and everyone of us has been affected. But this pandemic has forced us to think better and improve ourselves. We are doing many things which we had never done before. During an online interview of mine a question was asked what is new in the field of Safety and are there any one innovating in the field of safety? This blog is dedicated to one such man, who not only dared to innovate, but even put up a manufacturing unit for the products he innovated upon.

Mr. Jayasheel Adapa, is the founder director of Usha Fire Safety Equipments Pvt Ltd, Managing Director of Usha Armour Pvt Ltd and Managing Director of Resguardo Industries Pvt. Ltd. An Engineer by profession, an innovator at heart, and a business man with a noble cause, he is instrumental today in patenting and marketing Innovative Rescue Products in India. A passionate trainer, who believes that a trainer should not only train, but identify and eliminate gaps in safety and rescue. This part of him has led to many innovations in manufacturing and marketing rescue products. His innovations are many and hence this blog will be in 2 parts.
As a trainer while conducting Evacuation drills or Fire drills in high rises, one of the major factors is about evacuating people with special challenges like mobility impairments or expectant mothers. During a drill they are exempted from participation, or they are evacuated in advance. However, in real time what do they do and where do they go and how they will be rescued? In advanced countries an Evacuation Rescue Chair is used for the same. They are made available in all the floors over there and the ERT (EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM) use it to save lives. A thought occurred to Jayasheel why not we make the same in India. He not only started manufacturing them, but even patented the product, something which not many do in India. This chair basically moves like a wheel chair on the floor and can glide on the stairwell to evacuate people with mobility impairments.

A separate model of the chair was designed for hospital use also where one can easily hang the intravenous tubes and keep all the relevant documents of the patient in a pouch. This helps in evacuating a patient from a hospital despite all the challenges.

We all are familiar with a wheel chair but how many of us are familiar with a liftable wheel chair? This Innovative chair is not only a wheel chair but it can also be lifted. The Liftable wheel chair was designed by him to evacuate people trapped in basements, and where there are no ramps it is difficult to bring up injured people. This equipment helps rescuers to easily and quickly rescue persons from basements. This product too is patented and manufactured by him.

One of the most important elements of rescue or medical evacuation is to carry patients in a stretcher. Most stretchers do not fit into elevators and the staircase is the only option. When the victim is carried in usually his legs protrude out, and if oxygen has to be administered it is even more difficult. Two problems which did not really have a solution till Jayasheel thought of it and designed a stretcher, with a Foot pouch to lock the feet, and a pouch for a portable oxygen cylinder. Now rescue and medical evacuation have become easier. It requires a high level of thinking to understand the problem, and to arrive at this kind of innovative solutions.

For the ERT team doing the evacuation one situation they always have to encounter during a fire is deadly smoke. We have discussed about smoke in the earlier blogs, and we know exactly what to do. But for the last person coming out, the density of smoke could increase and the life can be in danger, and here is where the Escape Smoke Hood comes into play. It is made of fire-retardant fabric and has a cartridge with chemicals, that can filter deadly gases like Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Cyanide, Acrolein to name a few for a period of 15 minutes. This enables the last person whether an ERT, production manager in a factory, a doctor in an OT, and even a resident coming out of his home to be protected from Smoke.

When all these products were imported, one man dared to produce all these in his factory in India. All the products are registered with the Controller General of Patents and Trademarks, Government of India and other International approvals like LPCB. This to me signifies Aatmnirbhar Bharat, the clarion call of the Prime Minister of India. More such products and innovations from Mr.Jayasheel in my next blog.
Till then stay safe and be safe.
Seshadri Varadarajan.
For more info on the products visit www.resguardo.com